Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sincere thanks to Dr. Bakul Arora

On a different note, I would like to thank Dr. Bakul Arora who took care of my wife throughout her pregnancy. She not only helped her with medical things but also told us about the diet to take.

She scolded us when the hemoglobin tests were not coming positive and many other things just like a mother would do to their children.

Dr. Bakul, may you live long and the almighty showers all his blessings on you.

Thanks for making it easy for us...

amisha moved sideways on her own

Today Amisha moved from one side to other on her own in sleep. I left her on the bed while she was sleeping with her face on the left. When I returned in 10 mins, she was sleeping with her head on right. I was too glad to see this that she crossed one more milestone in life.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Doctor Bansal postponed meeting again

I have never seen such an unprofessional doctor in my life, he postponed meeting again. I just could not keep my baby in pains for any longer, so i took her to another doctor. And good news is that Amisha is recovering well, and doc says that she will be normal by 28th May 2008. It is a relief for me. Doc started her vaccines and she was given BCG, Hepatitis B and Polio today. For the first time her name "Amisha" was put on papers officially (her vaccinations card).

On another note, Amisha has started peeing and pottying in the toilet now. She cries in a characteristic tone whenever she feels like pottying or peeing and that gives us a sign.

She has also started lifting her neck up to see whats going around her and can move her body. You lay her straight and in a few mins she is lying sideways and vice versa.

My folks say that she is going to be a very very smart women because she picks things quickly. I just wish her the best and hopes that she will rule the world one day...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

doctor postponed the appointment

Doctor postponed the appointment till 10 AM tomorrow and i am more nervous at the moment. Her eyes looked more yellow than yesterday. I am really mad at doctor at the moment. How can he postpone the meeting and keep my little angel in pain for longer. I hate you Dr. Bansal..

Anyways Amisha did not sleep much today and after taking feeds every time she played with me. I told her how much I loved her and she would only respond with a smile. I am damn sure that she was understanding all what i was telling her. My folks say that she has started recognizing my voice now.

Amisha after today I have started loving you even more. Your gestures have brought a new energy in my life.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Amisha diagnosed with Jaundice

Amisha was declared having Jaundice and I felt 1000's of nails digging into my chest. I was scared by the fact that my little angel will have to suffer pains at this age. But Doc said that it was normal for newborns to have jaundice and they would monitor her for a few days. I have to take her to hospital tomorrow for another checkup and I pray to god that all goes well and my little angel won't have to feel the pain.

I feel that Amisha is strong from inside just like his father and will be able to struggle herself out of this.

Hope all goes well tomorrow...

Amisha's first few pics

Sunday, May 18, 2008

2 days old

Amisha is 2 days old today.

She continued to do black potty. She was a lot more comfortable in this world than yesterday. She did not cry much but slept most of the time after taking feed. I noticed that her chin, lips and feet are very much like mine.

She smiles often while sleeping and looks very charming. Sometimes she starts smiling during the course of crying. I think I am the reason of her smiles coz she knows that dad loves her the most.

I also clicked a few pics of hers today. I hope that she will like them when she grows old and will kiss me after looking at them. There is a little photographer in me...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

1 day old

Amisha is one day old now... She did her first sussu in my hands today. It was magical feeling. The warmth of her sussu brought an energy in me. She passed stool for three times today. It was all black and Doc said that it will be that way for a few days...

She did not bother me much today and after taking last feed of the day, she quietly went to sleep. She knew that her dad had not slept for 2 nights and did not want to bother me much today.

She slept for the whole day and i did not know that she had to be fed every 2 hours. When doc made me realize the mistake that me and my wife made, I felt very bad for the poor child who could not speak to tell us that she was hungry for the whole day. This was my first mistake as a father and I hope Amisha will forgive me for this and she will understand that I am still learning to be a father...

Forgive me Amisha...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Amisha is born today

Amisha took birth today on 16th May 2008, 10:45 Am at Kukreja Hospital.

There were lots of relatives waiting for her outside the operation theater but the time she was taken out of the operation theater, she ignored everybody and looked at me straightaway and kept on looking at me. She knew who his dad was and who would love her the most in this world. I was almost in tears at the sight of her looking at me but had to control my emotions in front of everybody.

She is just as beautiful as her mother is and loves me in the same passion. Doc said that she was an intelligent baby as she learnt to take breast feed in one go.

She cries a lot and she is hungry for milk all the time. She needs feed every 15 mins, failing to do so results in shrieks.

Nothing much happened today except for her crying and requests for feeds all the time...