Friday, May 23, 2008

Doctor Bansal postponed meeting again

I have never seen such an unprofessional doctor in my life, he postponed meeting again. I just could not keep my baby in pains for any longer, so i took her to another doctor. And good news is that Amisha is recovering well, and doc says that she will be normal by 28th May 2008. It is a relief for me. Doc started her vaccines and she was given BCG, Hepatitis B and Polio today. For the first time her name "Amisha" was put on papers officially (her vaccinations card).

On another note, Amisha has started peeing and pottying in the toilet now. She cries in a characteristic tone whenever she feels like pottying or peeing and that gives us a sign.

She has also started lifting her neck up to see whats going around her and can move her body. You lay her straight and in a few mins she is lying sideways and vice versa.

My folks say that she is going to be a very very smart women because she picks things quickly. I just wish her the best and hopes that she will rule the world one day...

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