Friday, May 16, 2008

Amisha is born today

Amisha took birth today on 16th May 2008, 10:45 Am at Kukreja Hospital.

There were lots of relatives waiting for her outside the operation theater but the time she was taken out of the operation theater, she ignored everybody and looked at me straightaway and kept on looking at me. She knew who his dad was and who would love her the most in this world. I was almost in tears at the sight of her looking at me but had to control my emotions in front of everybody.

She is just as beautiful as her mother is and loves me in the same passion. Doc said that she was an intelligent baby as she learnt to take breast feed in one go.

She cries a lot and she is hungry for milk all the time. She needs feed every 15 mins, failing to do so results in shrieks.

Nothing much happened today except for her crying and requests for feeds all the time...

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